Friday, July 25, 2008

Up and down

Any mom, grandma, business owner, or really any person can relate to me here...but sometimes I am just plain worn out! As women, we sometimes have the natural tendency to look at others and wonder how in the world they hold it all together. We compare ourselves, and resurrect that nasty little emotion called guilt. I keep in touch with a few other business owners and one of them yesterday just kept telling me how she was a bit overwhelmed by this whole business thing. I can totally relate to her and told her that I understand, but she will get through this and is definitely not alone!

Well, today, I need that pep-talk of my own. Please don't get me wrong, I totally love what I do and feel enormously blessed to have this opportunity, but today, I am just tired. I have decided that our little angel-to-come is a future gymnast, or karate champ, or something else crazy active!! She has a little pattern of getting a little wild and crazy around 5:00 in the evening and it continues all night long! Last night, after a 12 hour day at the office, I was just so darn exhausted, I slept through most of it, but I can't say that for the night prior.

Okay, I am almost done with my whining, I promise!! So today, I am finalizing those big decisions that I mentioned earlier this week and dealing with more production delays (I am learning that production delays are just a requirement to be in this business!). The delays don't affect any of our customers (yet), since I planned so far in advance - learned my lesson last season, but it is still a big headache and keeps me up at night! I am so glad today is Friday, as it is a welcomed break this week. I have been so excited about the business lately, and I definitely am still on that up, but I just need a little rest to keep me going.

See, you are not alone!! We all have our days. I used to feel extremely guilty about them, but I am starting to accept the fact that I am human and just have days a little less up than others.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Amber - oh, yes, can't we all relate. I hear lines of songs in my head all the time "I wanna quit, just be normal for a bit". It's so overwhelming sometimes and YOU have to give yourself a break b/c your energy is largely going to that little angel that is blossoming in your belly. (I'm laughing to myself, because I'm always getting comments from others to lighten up on myself - I think it's part of the entrepreneurial (sp?) spirit in us to always want to do better and accomplish more).
    In the end, we have to remind ourselves that slowing down for a day or a few hours to give our souls a refresh is OK - more than OK - it's necessary.
    And it sounds like we're both learning that what seems like catastrophic business issues are not, and never will be, the end of the world.
    Try to remember to enjoy this time when you and your DH are still the two of you - it truly will never be that way again, and truly, it will be hard to remember what life was like before kids. :-)
    You are accomplishing amazing things every day, both in your business and personal life - so pat yourself on the back and go put your feet up for the weekend (easier said than done, I know).
