Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

I have to say that I just love holidays!! For the many reasons that come to mind, but also for the oh so peaceful opportunity that exists to work on my business in a quiet office with no phone ringing, no meetings, just a clear mind and the chance to actually think ahead.

When running a business, you can get so caught up in the daily activities, and I have found myself quite guilty of this lately. I come in with really great intentions and some creative ideas, and then I look down at the clock to find that it is 10 minutes till 7:00pm and rush out the door to get our last minute shipments to the post office. I find that sometimes I actually have to plan to plan. Sounds funny, right? Well, I learned this one from my dad - yes Dad, you do have some great advice at times! - as a business owner, he actually puts planning weeks on his calendar, where he takes time out of his office to plan for the business. It is super difficult to take time out of the office for any business owner, but especially the small business owner. As many of us know, if you're not there doing it, then no one is, but in the long run, this can be extremely beneficial and ultimately profitable! My goal this week is to do major planning for the rest of the year and also put some time into some creative, out-of-the-box press and sales. I can't afford to take time out of the office this week, but this 4th of July holiday has given me that needed extra time to start on this goal. I can't wait to share the positive results with you very soon =)

I hope you all are enjoying this wonderful weekend!! Happy 4th of July!

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