Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Exciting news & great people!

When running your own business, there are great days, there are really tough days, and there is everything in between. While getting through this production process and anxiously awaiting our product, I have definitely had my share of tough days...but, I am so excited to share with you that today has been a great day, and we're only half-way through!

First, I must say that I just love nice people! You know...the kind of people that genuinely want good for others. The kind of people that do the right thing and help others without anything in it for them. Well, I was blessed to have one of these people come into my life. I've never even met her in person, but she is the sister of a friend. She decided to submit RuffleButts to as a recommended product, completely on her own. Well, I just went to the website this morning and was thrilled to find little RuffleButts staring back at me, with a ton of fantastic comments! That is just so rewarding! And, it's really great to be able to share my products with others!

I hope you all are having a great day too!


  1. Congrats! That is a good day. And it's a great picture too! I love genuinely nice people too, it's so refreshing to deal with people who aren't always thinking "me, me, me!!!" all the time.

  2. Congratulations - what a great way to start the week! All press is good press...well don't tell Brittney I said that - she may not agree! Anyway - congrats - they are so cute, my mom wishes my daughter was younger so she could wear them!
