Friday, August 15, 2008

What drives you?

Over these past few days, as I have found myself a little more physically exhausted than usual, I have struggled just a bit with burnout. I absolutely love what I do and wouldn't choose anything different, but sometimes when I'm tired, I find myself a little burned out. This is nothing new to my personality - I have dealt with burnout in almost all of my past careers, but this one is obviously so much more important to me. So, this brought me to the question...what drives me? What pushes me to want to do better, to do more? I am a pretty self-motivated type of individual, but sometimes I just need to remind myself of why I do what I do.

So, back to the question, what drives me?

1) My faith - I owe it to God to make the most of my time on this planet
2) My husband - he always challenges me to do more and better than what I think I can do
3) My family - from a very early age, my need to make my family proud has always pushed me beyond the average
4) My future little addition - of course, I want to create a career that not only supports my family, but also makes her proud of her mommy
5) Other amazing women - I am constantly amazed by so many other incredible women out there pursuing their own dreams
6) All of the encouraging comments and emails that I receive through this blog and on the RuffleButts website, which remind me that there are other people out there touched by what I am doing.

So, what drives/inspires you?


  1. As the wife of an always accomplishing husband, the thing that drives me is to create my own accomplishments, not just things that we do "together". Of course, I am beyond proud of all that he does and accomplishes, and I stand by him 100%, but I want to also create my own niche, my own identity so that I'm not just known as "Drew's wife"! Also, I want my daughter to see firsthand that women can be incredibly strong-willed and just as successful as any man, should she choose to pursue a career-minded life.

  2. Like you, I would have to say FAITH, family & friends are what drive me to do more for myself and for my business. Being that I am the oldest child, I always have had that "over acheiver" mentality which actually works FOR me now! And of course, the kids are always a motivator because being able to stay at home with them is such a blessing! Keep your head up, mama! God Bless! XOXO
