I am very excited to say that I have hired our first official RuffleButts intern!!! Her name is Kristen and she is awesome! Only 19 years old, she is super ambitious and hard working. She is currently in her 2nd year of schooling at the Art Institute here in Ft. Lauderdale, working towards her Bachelor degree in Fashion Design. After receiving an email from her over a week before our interviews, I had a gut feeling that she was going to be a perfect fit.
I am thrilled to have her on board, as I think she has a ton of potential and creativity to contribute. I am also thrilled to be able to offer this experience to someone of her driven attitude. I would have given anything to see what happens behind the scenes of a start-up apparel company when I was in college, so I am hoping that this is a full-circle kind of experience.
Kristen will be documenting her experience here on the RuffleBlog every Thursday, so be sure to check back often. I'm sure she will have some fun stories to tell!!
Have a great weekend!