Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Real World

So my husband and I were talking over this weekend about blogging. I was torn - I am an honest person, so naturally I want tell you openly about what is going on behind the scenes at RuffleButts, but on the other hand, I am a generally positive person and don't want to bring anyone else down with our struggles. My husband made a great point, that when we watch reality shows like the Real World and Survivor, we want to see it all...the good, the bad, and the ugly! That's what makes them real - they don't get to pick and choose the scenes that are shown, they are human and that is how we connect. So, I want to share my current situation...

As most of you know, these past few months have been challenging to say the least, but really, what business isn't?! As an entrepreneur, I am learning the ropes and as the sole employee, I manage it all. It keeps it exciting and me on my toes, but at times can become this week. If any of you watch the Real World (shamefully, a guilty pleasure of mine), I felt like one of those minute pulling my hair out, the next in tears. A part of me felt like the infant in the picture! I was digging super deep to find the positive in the situation.

Last night on the Survivor finale, I was rooting for Amanda, the one that I felt played the most honest game, the most genuine person. Most were rooting for Tom, the one that played the most strategic game. See, I feel that in life, we can strategize our way though, lying and cheating to win the money, but really in the end, is that the legacy you want to leave? Not me, I want to play the honest legacy will be one of trust and loyalty. So, here's the truth...

I have been working so hard over the past few months to have our first line manufactured in the Dominican Republic. I am working with some really great people, but sometimes things just happen outside of our control. First there were delays caused by the hurricane, then they were rushing the order out to make our deadlines. The workers at the factory who have now sadly lost their jobs, simply didn't care. They mis-labeled our products, they made a size 12-18m the same size as a 2T. They made one RuffleButt leg 10" and the other 12". When developing this company, one commitment that I made was to manage by the golden rule, making and selling this apparel that I would be happy to purchase myself. I can not in good faith sell some of these products without making some major corrections. Don't get me wrong, the construction quality is outstanding on most of the items, but there are small issues that need to be fixed.

I spent most of the week going through the products, thinking that there were just a few discrepancies. We were correcting the small discrepancies locally and preparing our retailer orders to go out, with the intentions of mailing them last Friday. It was then I realized that although many of our customers would be disappointed in us, I would prefer them to receive their products late and be elated, than to receive them now but find them unsatisfactory. Our customers are our number one priority and I want them to think highly of us. In the end, a business is based on it's reputation and I am determined to be one of quality. I want to be the company that does the right thing, and I believe that this is the right thing. As the Owner, I am embarrassed and tremendously disappointed, but I can not give up. We have received such amazing feedback on the products that are correct, that I must look forward.

I can not begin to tell you how much I have grown through this experience. It is when you are tested that you truly discover who you are. I have lost sleep, having nightmares on a daily basis. I have found myself at the brink of tears just driving down the street, but I have also gotten up everyday and put one foot in front of the other. I have stood strong in my beliefs and will do what it takes to make it right.


  1. I am sorry you had all those troubles. Hopefully things are going to start looking up for ya!

    I would definately prefer Quality over the delivery time!


  2. Your designs are Darling!
    Seasons Greetings!
    Sandra Evertson

  3. Sandra,

    Thanks for taking the time to post the kind words - much appreciated!! Have a very happy holiday!


  4. Oh my gosh, honey. What a nightmare! I'm so sorry this experience has been a rough one, but I know it's through these tough experiences we learn so much, even though they're terribly painful to go through. Your product is adorable and I wish I had a little girl!! I will definitely keep you in mind for gifts, though. And I applaud you for not compromising on quality. That speaks volumes about your character.

  5. good grief. what a hassle! you're doing the right thing though. think of all the misfitting cute behinds there could be!

  6. Amber, Having been through this same experience, I can relate. I know it can be such a drain emotionally. Yes, there are things that happen that we cannot control, but it doesn't always make it any easier to swollow. We had two bad runs with manufacturers and I can say it almost made me want to throw in the towel, especially because MY name was on the product. But in the end it made me stronger and I really did open my eyes more to what can happen in business. It isn't always bliss. When all was said and done, I'm very glad I didn't quit. Quality is always the best way to go. You don't get a second chance to make a first impression. Delays and back orders are common in this business, but bad product (in my opinion) can hurt you far worse. You are doing the right thing. Good luck!

  7. Hang in there things will get better. Look how much you have learned for the next time. It's a bummer but we learn more when things go wrong than we do when things go right.
    Have a wonderful holiday season,

  8. amber, i posted this on my blog in response to yours, but thought you might not see it......

    Amber, you can email me if you ever want to discuss the manufacturing stuff. I'll share what I know with you. It is nice to know we aren't the only ones going through it. You can read Allen Designs blog in my favorit blog list to get more insight on manufacturing first hand. Michelle is a pro at it, having been to china several times to oversee the process. it's an interesting read!

  9. Just gotta hang in there-- there will be better days ahead and a wonderful product in the end!

  10. Awesome! You are keeping your vision on what is truly important in business (and something that will never leave you): your reputation with your customers. I have launched several businesses in my life (my friends call me the serial entrepreneur). Not all of them have done well - some crashed before they got off the ground. But my reputation with those I work with and serve has stayed bulletproof, so I can be proud at the end of the day. I look forward to following your success story as it happens!!

  11. Hope this new year is better for you and I appreciate knowing that I am not alone in the struggles department!

  12. Sorry to have you stressed & all the crummy stuff that comes with it all ~ HOWEVER *****
    It is truely making you stronger! EVERY SINGLE STEP you take is a learning process! Each step is going in the right direction as long as YOUR heart & soul are in it. You learn & grow & we too are learning from your experiences from YOU sharing with us(THANK YOU!!!!)
    If everything was easy, everyone would be doing it ~ & I don't think we would see such great & vairety products would you?
    All this stress & trials & errors PUT FIRE underneath you (us) to drive out our best & strive to reach for better designs/products!
    So in a weird way ` EMBRACE the hard times & go with it & think HOW CAN I MAKE THIS BETTER??!!$$(situation, product, help, location .... everything!)
    Don't focus on so much of all the "Stress/bad" your going through but USE it & say OK.....bring it on.... Your only making me think & be better!!!! So challenge yourself while dealing with that crap! ~ I don't know if it makes sence, but i know what your going through & it stinks but You can only think positive & not let it bring you down.(but it gets the best of all of us!!) Mostly when you have family.... Its so hard to juggel it all & try your best....but just remember YOU have a great product & others support you! WE ALL WISH YOU TH BEST!!!

  13. i hope you are doing well, and your commitment is admirable. i am keeping you in my prayers, as a control freak myself, i hate delegating and then having things come back less than my idea of perfect. good luck and have a beautiful new year!!!

