Thursday, January 28, 2010

Polish you up

A friend of mine, who happens to be the Owner and Designer of StellaJane, sent me a fabulous quote today. It was so perfect, I wanted to share...

Life is like a grindstone, it can wear you down or polish you up. It all depends on what you're made of.

She also ended her email with some fabulous words of wisdom..."It it's conceived in your heart and lives in your soul, you will have the strength to see it through."

I am amazed by all of the incredible people in my life. Some of them close friends, others associates through the business, many of them customers that feel like family, and others whom I've never even spoken with that rally around with smiles and support. And, I definitely can not fail to mention a husband that puts up with me day in and day out! I have the best job in the world and do what I do for the most adorable little human beings I've ever seen! I'm learning and living, and taking in all in one day at a time, but I feel lucky to do it pretty much every day. RuffleButts was my first child. It is my outlet, my creation, that I am lucky enough to share with incredible people everywhere. For those of you that are concerned about me and my disappointment with yesterday's worries here! I was most torn and distraught over the decision to share the experience. I always strive to do the right thing, but I also believe you must stand up for yourself. I remain positive and so excited about this year ahead with RuffleButts!

1 comment:

  1. And just know this is what happens to all business owners at one point or another. Sometimes there are tough decisions to make but if you stand by your values and what your heart tells you, which you always do, the right thing will happen even in a bad situation. I had someone spit on my front door to my business this week. There are always going to be people out there that will spit on you. It's your choice how you react to their ugliness.
    I'm so proud of you Amber and what you've done in a few short years. I'm so very happy our paths crossed. Your a "polished" gem to know. ((hugs))
