Seeing that January 2014 date as the last published post was a moment that stung slightly, as I realized how thin I have been spread over recent years, but also a moment of triumph as a mom, wife and entrepreneur that I have survived and thrived. I am filled with such gratitude that my life is so full, but like many other women, it is a rare minute that I don't feel like I am dropping one ball or the other. Writing has always been something enjoyable to me, a way of paying it forward of sorts, sharing my experience, and selfishly a way to chronicle my journey. Unfortunately writing is one of the things that was sacrificed over the past 2 years as it easily fell below the priority of time with kiddos and time at RuffleButts. It is today that I make the conscious effort to move it back up a few notches on the list.
Oh where to begin? How about a plan? So, it is my plan, going forward from today, to share all parts of me. Or at least all parts that I think you may find of any benefit or interest. I will share 1 piece business journey, 1 piece beneficial business tools, 1 piece motherhood and 1 piece life lessons to pay forward. This has been the blog past in general, but I will do my best to share on a regular basis go-forward. If you have any other questions or requested information, please feel free to post questions and comments here and I will do my best to respond. As always, I am truly grateful for your interest and support along the way!